Our Services

Through strategic alliances throughout the country, 221 B Advisory Services, LLC has access to more than 100 insurance companies, to help ensure that the most appropriate strategy, product and/or service available is offered to each client. 

221 B Advisory Services, LLC, through it’s association with strategic advisors, offers objective advice, custom products, quality service and practical ideas about qualified retirement plans. We can help you develop and implement the plan that is right for your employees, your company and your industry.

We work with business owners who want to leave their business successfully but do not know how to accomplish that goal (Exit Planning for Business Owners).  In this process we utilize the owners advisors (legal, accounting, valuation and business consulting) or, if desired, specialists we recommend to help business owners maximize the value they receive on the sale or transfer of their business.

To provide competitive, high-quality benefit arrays that conform to the letter and the spirit of the regulations that govern them, 221 B Advisory Services, LLC works to design plans that diversity executive wealth, but have little or no impact on the corporations balance sheet (Non-qualified Plan/Executive Compensation Consulting).  The choices among deferred compensation plans, supplemental employee retirement plans and/or a hybrid of the two can be carefully calibrated to contribute to the overall attractiveness of your financial benefits package. 

To supplement the strategies implemented through the corporations financial benefits package, 221 B Advisory Services, LLC offers customized personal planning services for your firms executives (Executive Planning Consulting.).

We also offer financial planning* and investment consulting* services to corporate executives. These services complement the corporate-level benefits consulting, providing these key executives with an integrated financial strategy that addresses their lifetime wealth accumulation, distribution and transfer needs and requirements.

In addition, for indivudal clients 221 B Advisory Services, LLC addresses comprehensive Estate Planning, Risk Management and Wealth Management concerns and objectives to preserve their legacy in a discreet, comprehensive, efficient and appropriate manner.

We are all looking for tranquility . . . I think I found it down in the Grand Canyon on the Colorado River !